Returns to Mercury - EGS April 2000
29 October 1999
A special session dedicated to the planet Mercury and its scientific exploration will be held at the European Geophysical Society General Assembly, 25-29 April 2000, Nice, France.The European Space Agency is proposing a mission to Mercury, called BepiColombo, as a candidate to the selection of its fifth Cornerstone mission. NASA has recently selected the Messenger Mercury Orbiter in the framework of its Discovery programme. Other space agencies are also considering new missions to the innermost planet of the solar system.
A one-day meeting will be dedicated to the coordination of the worldwide efforts devoted to the exploration of Mercury and to the definition of a concerted effort and synergetic strategy which will optimize the scientific return of a cooperative approach. This session will also deal with scientific issues unique to Mercury and its comparison with other terrestrial planets. The focal points of the session are thus as follows:
- Review of important scientific problems to be addressed by the new Mercury missions.
- Identification and organization of theoretical work, ground-based observations and laboratory experiments which are fundamental to the understanding of Mercury's origin and formation.
- Coordination of mission plans and comparison between system architectures and scientific instrumentation.
For queries concerning the scientific programme of the 'Mercury at 2000' meeting, please contact the Meeting Conveners:
Wing-Huen Ip (
Andre Balogh (
Rejean Grard (
Abstract Deadline: 15 December 1999