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BepiColombo Industrial Space Day

BepiColombo Industrial Space Day

12 March 2007

The BepiColombo Industrial Space Day took place on 6 March at ESTEC. The objective of this one-day event was to inform the European industry about the procurement plans and the process and planning that will be followed to issue the invitation to tenders of the subcontractor items.

More than 150 guests attended the BepiColombo Industrial Space Day

On 23 February 2007, the final approval for the BepiColombo mission to enter the implementation phase was given by the Science Programme Committee (SPC). The selected Prime Contractor is Astrium GmbH, around which an industrial core team is built. With the mission now entering its implementation phase, the Industrial Space Day provided the opportunity for the interested subcontractors to learn of the different procurement opportunities for BepiColombo.

Detailed presentations were given on the project status and schedule as well as the mission and system definition. More than 150 guests have participated and the opportunity to consult with ESA and the Astrium GmbH prime contractor and its core team has been extensively used by the participants.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
28-Mar-2025 19:36 UT

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