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Cluster's new view of near-Earth space

Cluster's new view of near-Earth space

The Cluster press event at the ESA Headquarters in Paris, 16th February 2001.

Presentations and movies

The speakers at the Cluster press review in Paris. Left to right: Alberto Gianolio (Cluster Deputy Project Manager), Dr. Nicole Cornilleau-Wehrlin (CETP), Professor Roger Bonnet (ESA Science Director), Professor André Balogh (Imperial College, London) and Dr. Philippe Escoubet (Cluster Project Scientist).


Cluster status
Aberto Gianolio,
Cluster Deputy Project Manager
La mission Cluster. L'orage solaire de Novembre et première traversée du cornet polaire
Philippe Escoubet,
Cluster Project Scientist
Première étude en trois dimensions d'une des frontières de la magnétosphère: la magnétopause
Nicole Cornilleau,
Principal Investigator on the STAFF experiment on Cluster
Cluster at the Earth's bow shock
André Balogh,
Principal Investigator for the FGM experiment on Cluster


Earth magnetosphere model (10-11-2000)
Movie Clip (MOV)
26.8 Mb  View
Sun and Earth relationship
Streaming Audio/Video file
1.1 Mb  View
The Visual Monitoring Camera images
Streaming Audio/Video file
0.9 Mb  View
The Earth's magnetosphere
Streaming Audio/Video file
1.0 Mb  View
Cluster spacecraft crossing the polar cusp
AVI clip
12.5 Mb  View
The transfer orbit phase
MPEG video
4.2 Mb  View
Impression of a wave on the magnetopause passing by the four Cluster satellites
MPEG video
1.6 Mb


Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 03:46 UT

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