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Cluster Active Archive

Cluster Active Archive

To enhance the scientific output of the mission and allow public access to the best high-time resolution scientific data, the Cluster Active Archive (CAA) has been implemented.

The CAA is the depository of processed and validated Cluster data, raw data, processing software, calibration data, documentation and other value-added products. All of the Cluster data are public domain.

The CAA project team is led by Harri Laakso (ESA). The team and the CAA development and distribution system are located at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands.

ESA is financially supporting manpower deployed in institutes where the relevant expertise exists, to assist in the preparation, validation, and documentation of the high-resolution data deposited in the archive.

This gold mine of magnetospheric data is used by scientists worldwide.


Last Update: 1 September 2019
11-Mar-2025 02:53 UT

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