Scales in a thinning plasma sheet
Publication date: 17 June 2009
Authors: Petrukovich, A.A. et al.
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume: 1144
Page: 1-4
Year: 2009
Copyright: American Institute of Physics
In proceedings of the International Conference 'Future perspectives of space plasma and particle instrumentation and international collaborations', held 1-3 November 2006 in Tokyo, Japan.
With Cluster observations in the magnetotail, we study the dynamics of plasma sheet thinning and stretching in a typical growth phase event of September 12, 2001. The thinning and stretching proceed in parallel, with transient variations. The pre-onset value is Bz~1.5 nT, J~8 nA/m2. The current density increase is not accompanied with a corresponding number density increase. A large (>5 nT) guide field along the cross-tail current direction was registered. An embedded current sheet structure was detected and, therefore, caution is required if making thickness estimations.
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