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Reponse to Call for Ideas for Flexi-missions

Reponse to Call for Ideas for Flexi-missions

15 February 2000

At the beginning of October 1999, ESA issued a call for ideas for the next flexi-missions (F2 and F3). A large number of proposals have been received and are being evaluated.Flexi-missions were introduced into the Horizons 2000 implementation concept in 1997 to increase the flexibility of the programme, basically by splitting each of the two Medium-size missions of Horizons 2000 into two Flexi-missions (F-missions).

Flexi-missions were introduced into the Horizons 2000 implementation concept in 1997 to increase the flexibility of the programme, basically by splitting each of the two Medium-size missions of Horizons 2000 into two Flexi-missions (F-missions).

Three to four mission proposals will then be competitively selected via Peer Group reviews and in full consultation with the advisory structure of the Science Programme. The selected missions will undergo an assessment phase lasting from 1 March to end May 2000.

Name Title of Proposal
Baglin (F) COROT
Barret (F) EXTRA
Von Ballmoos (F) MAX
Cruise (UK) XRASE
Chincarini (I) PANORAM-X
Favata (ESA) Eddington
Gurvits (NL) VLBI - Flexi-Pro
Jackobsen (ESA) NGST
Kanbach (D) MEGA
Labeyrie (F) EPICURUS
Laureijs (ESA) Molecular Hydrogen Surveyor
Lebrun (F) Compton Cube
Maccone (I) CMB Sunlensing
Scarsi (I) EUSO
Schneider (F) Treasure
Solar System
Name Title of Proposal
Barucci (F) MASTER
Cellino (I) SPACEGUARD-1
Chassefiere (F) LAVOISIER
Cowley (UK) APEX
Damé(F) SPI
Formissano (I) ISHSTAR
Gruen (D) GALACTIC Dune
Harrison (UK) Solaris
Koskinen (SF) STORMS
Lagerkvist (S) AROS
McKenna-Lawlor (EIR) Lugh Mercury Exp.
Maccone (I) CMB Sunlensing
Marsch (D) SO
Norberg (S) Venus Express
Pillinger (UK) MARS Exploration
Schwartz (UK) SWARM
Valsecchi (I) NEARER
Fundamental Physics
Name Title of Proposal
Cruise (UK) FELIX
Danzmann (D) Finest
Danzmann (D) LARS
Danzmann (D) HYPER
Danzmann (D) GHOST
Lemmerzahl (D) OPTIS
Leon (F) Microscope
Lichtenegger (A) Gp Clock
Lipa (US) ESA RG proposal
Lipa (US) ESA RG proposal
Matousek (US) SpaceTime
Nobili (I) GG
Sandford (UK) CASIMIR
Sumner (UK) SSPIN

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 02:56 UT

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