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INTEGRAL's Vital Statistics

INTEGRAL's Vital Statistics

Mission aims and objectives

To locate, observe and identify sources of high-energy radiation, such as, black holes, neutron stars and supernova explosions.

Images and performs spectroscopy of gamma-ray sources, and at the same time monitors these sources at X-ray and visible wavelengths.

Launch date, vehicle, location Launched 17 October 2002, on a Russian Proton rocket, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan
Mass at launch (total) about 4000kg
Mass of payload about 2000 kg
Mass of fuel
(at launch)
about 540 kg
Height of spacecraft 5 m
Diameter of spacecraft about 3.7 m
Height of service module about 1.2 m
Length and width of Solar Arrays Two deployable wings, each with three 1.8m (w) × 1.9m (h) rigid panels. Total span of the deployed array is 16 metres
Orbit parameters

Highly elliptical 72-hour orbit, with an apogee of about 150 000 km and a perigee of about ten thousand km.
Note: Here the apogee/perigee are measured as height in km above the Earth's surface.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
19-Feb-2025 19:35 UT

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