Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter: ESA contribution to the Europe Jupiter System Mission
Publication date: 12 February 2009
Journal: ESA-SRE(2008)2
Year: 2009
Copyright: ESA
This document gives a concise overview of the ESA assessment study based on the "Laplace" proposal for the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 call. It describes the work performed during the assessment study, which includes the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) study and subsequent scientific and engineering work. The aim of this study was to quickly assess the technical feasibility, cost and schedule in the framework of a Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 L-class mission and to prepare the follow-on industrial studies. The transition from the submitted "Laplace" proposal to the ESA/NASA/JAXA joint mission called "Europa/Jupiter System Mission" (EJSM) is documented and the baseline of the ESA contribution to this mission, the Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO), is described in detail.
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