XEUS Study preparation activities - Status Report
Publication date: 01 April 2006
Authors: SCI-AM
Issue: 1
Page: 1-24
Year: 2006
Copyright: ESA
The X-Ray Observatory, also known as XEUS (X-Ray Evolving-Universe Spectroscopy), is one of the potential future missions identified in the framework of the ESA Call for Themes issued in April 2004. Preliminary studies on a post XMM-Newton mission assumed a LEO scenario, with two spacecraft in formation flying, 5 m² (at 1 keV) effective area mirror and a focal length of 35 m. The mirror optics was originally based on the same technology used for XMM (replicated nickel mirrors), while the mission scenario was assuming a multiple launch approach and the use the ISS as servicing post for the observatory.
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