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Far Infrared Interferometer - CDF Study Report

Far Infrared Interferometer - CDF Study Report

Publication date: 16 June 2006

Authors: ESA Concurrent Design Facility

Volume: CDF-49(A)
Page: 1-294
Year: 2006

Copyright: ESA

The ESA Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) was requested and financed by ESA/ESTEC/SCIAM to carry out the assessment study of a Far-InfraRed Interferometer Technology Reference Study (FIRI). The main science objective is to perform measurements at significantly improved angular resolution obtainable with today's IR telescopes (i.e. sub-arcsec resolution) by using space Interferometry. The overall mission goals were to study the following:

  • Formation and evolution of stars
  • Formation of planetary systems and planet detection
  • Formation and evolution of galaxies
The objectives of the study were to assess the feasibility of a Far-InfraRed Michelson Interferometer mission and the identification of the critical technology in order to define a Technology Development Plan with particular emphasis on the following:
  • To assess the feasibility of a far-infrared Michelson interferometer based on a single spacecraft
  • To design the mission
  • To identify the critical technologies and define their development plan
  • To make cost, risk and programmatics analysis for the mission and for the technology development plan

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