Image of Triton from Voyager 2

Date: 03 October 2017
Satellite: Voyager 2
Depicts: Triton
Copyright: NASA/JPL
The Voyager 2 spacecraft took this colour photo of Neptune's moon Triton on 24 Augustus 1989, at a range of 530 000 kilometres. The image was made from pictures taken through the green, violet and ultraviolet filters. In this technique, regions that are highly reflective in the ultraviolet appear blue in color. In reality, there is no part of Triton that would appear blue to the eye. The bright southern hemisphere of Triton, which fills most of this frame, is generally pink in tone, as is the even brighter equatorial band. The darker regions north of the equator also tend to be pink or reddish in colour.
Last Update: 1 September 2019