FIRST and Planck key meeting 3 July
15 July 1998
On 3 July the ESA Executive, the FIRST and Planck Principal Investigators (PIs), and the SPCdelegations met in ESA HQ. This was the first opportunity after the May SPC meeting to discuss sciencepayload and ground segment issues in the light of the decisions taken in that SPC meeting and therecommendations given by the FIRST and Planck science (instrument proposal) evaluation committees.The aim was to initiate a series of activities, both in the instrument consortia and in ESA to refine the instrument definitions - especially with respect to spacecraft interfaces - in order to:
- confirm the science payload by the SPC not later than in its February 1999 meeting
- issue the Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the spacecraft phases BCD in mid-1999; leading to a start of phase B in early 2001.
Last Update: 1 September 2019