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Herschel Optical Systems Scientist - Announcement of Opportunity

Herschel Optical Systems Scientist - Announcement of Opportunity

6 April 2001

On 2 April 2001 the Director of Science issued an Announcement of Opportunity for a Herschel Optical Systems Scientist. In the interest of appointing the Optical Systems Scientist on a short timescale, the deadline for submitting a Letter of Intent is 12 April, and the Proposals are due by 25 April. Note, however, that a proposal may be submitted even if a Letter of Intent has not been sent in time for the deadline.

The role of the Herschel Optical Systems Scientist (OSS) is to provide independent advice to ESA, its industrial contractors and instrument consortia, on all aspects of the optical system of Herschel. The OSS would be expected to have the capability of critically assessing the design and expected performance of the end-to-end optical system at system level in the light of the scientific goals of the mission. Particularly important areas are compatibility, alignment and straylight. Further details are available in the Announcemnet of Opportunity.

The Herschel Space Observatory

The Herschel Space Observatory (formerly known as FIRST) is the fourth cornerstone in the Horizons 2000 plan. It is a multi-user 'observatory type' mission that targets the 60-6705m wavelength range in the far infrared and submillimeter part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The key science objectives emphasise current questions connected to the formation of galaxies and stars. However, having unique capabilities in several ways, Herschel will be a facility available to the entire astronomical community for a wide range of observing programmes. It will perform imaging photometry and spectroscopy from its vantage point in space which provides several decisive advantages.

More information about the Herschel Space Observatory can be found on the ESA Science Herschel site, and on the web pages of the Herschel Science Centre (Space Science Department).

For further information contact:

Dr. G. Pilbratt, Herschel Project Scientist

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 06:53 UT

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