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Herschel Telescope Integration

Herschel Telescope Integration

18 April 2008

The large 3.5-metre diameter Herschel telescope has been mechanically integrated onto the interface structure on the cryostat. The successful integration of the telescope on Wednesday, 16 April 2008, comes just under a week after the integration of Herschel's solar array and sunshade on 11 April.

Hoisting and lowering of the telescope onto the cryostat, 16 April

Telescope integrated, 16 April

The telescope with its protective cover (white) was lifted and placed on top of the cryostat in the ESTEC cleanroom by means of an overhead crane.

Also visible in the images are the Herschel solar array and sunshade that were integrated with the cryostat last Friday. During the morning of 11 April, the solar array (lower part) was first integrated, followed by the sunshade (reflective, upper part) that was placed on top of the solar array.

Integration of the solar array and sunshade, 11 April

The telescope integration marks an important milestone, with the major components of the Herschel flight model spacecraft now assembled. In the coming weeks the spacecraft will be subjected to several tests, including acoustic tests and shaker tests. These will verify the assembly of the Herschel spacecraft to specifications, ensuring that the flight model is ready for launch.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 00:21 UT

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