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Outreach Resources

Outreach Resources

The material and links on this page have been collated for the benefit of the Herschel project, their industrial collaborators, the principal investigators and their teams.

Members of the media who require special material should contact the Science Communication Officer:


Factsheets and mission summaries

Herschel: Exploring the formation of galaxies and stars
A glossy brochure summarising the mission, the spacecraft and the key science goals
Download PDF
Herschel Media Factsheet
A brief overview of all aspects of the mission
Open webpage



Herschel mission posters
Several mission posters can be downloaded in JPG format
Open webpage with overview


Image & Video archive

The Science and Technology web site hosts a large archive of images which have been provided by, or on behalf of, the Herschel project and collaborators. Our search interface allows you to search this extensive archive by keyword, media type, date and mission. Below are listed a number of quick links which will retrieve from the archive the media that matches the preset queries. Personalised queries can be performed using the Image and Video Archive search interface at

Preset queries:

All media types: Query by type of media

All Herschel images retrieve
All Herschel videos retrieve
All Herschel flash files retrieve


Images: Specific topic queries for Herschel

Science results retrieve
First Light images retrieve
Spacecraft > photographs > launch preparation retrieve
Spacecraft > photographs > testing retrieve
Spacecraft > photographs > telescope retrieve
Spacecraft > artist's impressions retrieve


Videos: Specific topic queries for Herschel

Spacecraft > real footage > testing retrieve
Spacecraft > real footage > assembly retrieve
Spacecraft > animations retrieve


Last Update: 1 September 2019
11-Feb-2025 13:57 UT

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