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Herschel Science Demonstration Phase - Presentations of Initial Results

Herschel Science Demonstration Phase - Presentations of Initial Results

18 November 2009

A Herschel workshop will be held on 17 to 18 December 2009 to present the initial results of the on-going Herschel science demonstration phase (SDP). The workshop will take stock of results achieved to date with the Herschel SDP observations.

The specific objectives of the SDP initial results presentations during this workshop include:

  • to take stock of the current status of Herschel, actual in-flight performance, what has been learned, and plans for the next AO
  • to take stock of instrument in-flight performance, observing mode verification/modification and release, performance, and lessons learned
  • to demonstrate Herschel's scientific capabilities as actually achieved by observations, and lessons learned
  • to illustrate Herschel's scientific capabilities by presenting initial preliminary science results

Workshop registration and information

The workshop will be held at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villanueva de la Cañada, about 30 km North-West of Madrid. Early registration for attending the workshop is encouraged.

The deadline for registration is Friday 4 December 2009.

Full details about the workshop and the registration process can be found at the dedicated workshop web site:

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Feb-2025 16:12 UT

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