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Herschel Data Processing for Newcomers

Herschel Data Processing for Newcomers

Start date: 25 Jun 2013
Address: European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain

More info:

This workshop can be attended online or in person and is targeted at novice users interested in accessing and interpreting Herschel data for the first time, with little or no previous experience in the analysis of Herschel observations using HIPE. We invite preferentially Ph.D students and young post-docs who have recently started working on projects based on the analysis of Herschel observations, but we will also accept more advanced users who want to get a deeper knowledge on aspects of the interactive processing of Herschel data on which they may not be familiar enough. The format will consist of a mixture of tutorials broadcast live to the online participants, and hands-on sessions targeted to the needs of those participants attending the workshop in person at ESAC. The tutorials will include overview talks about the contents of the Herschel Science Archive (HSA), how to access and inspect Herschel products, ways to assess the quality of Herschel data, and the basics of data reduction with the help of the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (HIPE). These overview talks will be complemented by demos addressing the most relevant data processing and calibration issues affecting the various Herschel (sub-)instruments. Both the demos and the hands-on sessions will be fine-tuned as much as possible to the wishes expressed at the moment of registration by the workshop participants. Note that both remote and in person participants need to register. Registration will close on: *Friday, 14 June 2013* It should also be noted that NHSC is planning to hold a similar Data Processing workshop on August 26-30, 2013, in Pasadena, US.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
25-Mar-2025 23:38 UT

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