Participants at the Star Formation Across Space and Time Symposium

Date: 11 November 2014
Satellite: Herschel
Location: European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, the Netherlands
Copyright: ESA–Anneke Le Floc'h
The Star Formation Across Space and Time Symposium was held at the European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, from 11-14 November 2014. The objective of the meeting was to bring together astronomers interested in all aspects of star formation, from local galactic to extreme extragalactic high-redshift conditions. Recent advances on the subject suggested that various communities could benefit from each other, and the meeting aimed to facilitate cross-fertilization between researchers with different observational and theoretical backgrounds to further our understanding of star formation as observed across the spectrum. The meeting posed the fundamental question: Are there universal processes of star formation across space and time?