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Success story - 30 discoveries from ESA's science missions in space

Success story - 30 discoveries from ESA's science missions in space

3 May 1999

At the close of a century, and after 35 years of our scientific missions, the Science Programme Directorate of the European Space Agency decided to show how well the science programme has used the resources made availableby the Member States, on behalf of the space scientific community. Looking back, we can say with pride that these resources allowed us to produce true discovery machines.

The instruments embarked on our missions by the scientific community were at the forefront of technology, with a high potential for further applications and commercial spin-offs. Most missions have been implemented within the budget and on schedule. The overall result is European leadership over a broad front of space science activities.

Here we highlight thirty striking discoveries, from among many other candidates, which contribute unambiguously to the advancement of knowledge. I am sure that through this selection the reader will share with us the pleasure of discovery, and support our efforts to do more in the future. We intend not only to secure those niches of leadership we have gained, but also to show the way to other, completely new revelations.

Welcome to the fascinating world of the frontiers of knowledge!

R.M. Bonnet

Publications information
The Brochure is available from ESA Publications Division (ref. ESA BR-147).

Last Update: 1 September 2019
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