Future missions selection
On 1st October 1999, ESA released a Call for mission proposals for the second and third flexi-missions (F2 and F3) of the Horizons 2000 programme. By 31st January 2000, 49 proposals were received of which six were selected by the ESA advisory bodies for an assessment study phase. Some background information about the selected proposals can be found below.
The assessment studies are now completed and their results are being published in reports to the ESA advisory bodies. An open presentation of the six study results was made on 12th September 2000 at UNESCO, Paris.
F2 and F3 proposals - recommendations
F2 and F3 selected proposals
A stellar physics and planet finder explorer
HYPER Precision Atom Interferometry in space
Mars + ASTERoid mission
Next Generation Space Telescope
Solar Orbiter
An orbiter for solar observations at very high spatial resolution.
A three spacecraft constellation for the study of magnetospheric storms.
Cornerstone candidates
The mission: general overview:
Scientific report: executive summary
Scientific report: executive summary
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