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About Science & Technology

About Science & Technology

What you will find here

ESA's Science & Technology (SciTech) website carries news and information about the scientific and research activities of ESA's Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration, conducted in collaboration with the scientific and technical communities in Europe and worldwide.

Here you will find reports on the latest science results achieved by ESA Science missions, as well as news about the testing and development stages of missions that are still in pre-launch phase. SciTech’s articles are aimed at a broad readership – both within and outside the space industry.

The SciTech website includes:

  • information about current, previous and future missions, ranging from the scientific goals to the instrumental setup and technical details of the spacecraft;
  • updates on the research carried out using data from the various missions;
  • status reports on the health and activities of some operating missions;
  • a wide range of images, videos and publications.


For space professionals

Specific information for the scientific and technical communities includes announcements about missions which have been selected for further study and development, announcements on opportunities to use data from operating missions, and opportunities to take part in calls for future missions.

The website also contains information about the activities of the Future Missions Preparation Office, which include technical definition of the space and ground segments, and technology preparation.

In addition, you will find a link to the PRODEX Programme. It co-ordinates funding for the development of scientific instruments or experiments ESA needs and which are proposed by Institutes or Universities in the countries involved.

Under Director's Desk, you will find a list of the Directorate's advisory bodies and their members.

For educators

In the Educational Support section, there is a variety of educational material, developed within the Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration as part of the broader strategy of ESA's Education Office.

Not what you were looking for?

If you want more detailed information on missions than you can find on SciTech, you can access the specialised websites of the Research and Scientific Support Department and of the Science Operations Division.

General information on ESA's activities in astronomy and space science can be found on ESA's Space Science Portal, and there is information on all of ESA’s activities on the ESA Portal.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
11-Feb-2025 09:16 UT

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