The following topics are steadily being addressed by INTEGRAL:
- Compact Objects (White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, Black Hole Candidates, High Energy Transients and Gamma-Ray Bursts)
- Extragalactic Astronomy (Galaxies, Clusters, AGN, Seyferts, Blazars, Cosmic Diffuse Background)
- Stellar Nucleosynthesis (Hydrostatic Nucleosynthesis (AGB, WR Stars), Explosive Nucleosynthesis (Supernovae, Novae) )
- Galactic Structure (Cloud Complex Regions, Mapping of continuum and line emission, ISM, CR distribution)
- The Galactic Centre Particle Processes and Acceleration (Transrelativistic Pair Plasmas, Beams, Jets)
- Identification of High Energy Sources (Unidentified Gamma-Ray Objects as a Class)
- PLUS: Unexpected Discoveries A unique aspect of the INTEGRAL mission is the weekly scans of the galactic plane. These are building-up into a detailed survey. Each weekly scan consists of a "slew, stop, stare" profile along a saw-tooth track, inclined at 21o to the galactic equator.
Last Update: 1 September 2019