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Full-scale model of the JWST spacecraft

Full-scale model of the JWST spacecraft

Date: 28 September 2009
Satellite: JWST
Depicts: Full-scale model of the spacecraft
Location: Munich, Germany
Copyright: EADS Astrium

A full-scale model of the James Webb Space Telescope was built by the prime contractor, Northrop Grumman, to provide a better understanding of the size, scale and complexity of this satellite. The model is constructed mainly of aluminium and steel, weighs nearly 5.5 tonnes, and is approximately 24 metres long, 12 metres wide and 12 metres tall. The model requires 2 trucks to ship it and assembly takes a crew of 12 approximately four days. This model has travelled to several different sites since 2005.
Last Update: 1 September 2019
27-Sep-2024 23:28 UT

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