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The James Webb Space Telescope has arrived safely at Pariacabo harbour in French Guiana. ESA in close collaboration with NASA will now prepare this once in a generation mission for its launch on Ariane 5 from Europe's Spaceport this December.

Published: 12 October 2021

ESA, NASA and Arianespace have jointly defined 18 December 2021 as the target launch date for Ariane 5 flight VA256. This third Ariane 5 launch of 2021 will fly the James Webb Space Telescope to space from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana.

Published: 8 September 2021

The international James Webb Space Telescope has passed the final mission analysis review for its launch on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana.

Published: 1 July 2021

The General Observer scientific observations for the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope's first year of operation have been selected. Proposals from ESA member states comprise 33% of the total number of selected proposals and correspond to 30% of the available telescope time on Webb.

Published: 30 March 2021

The launch of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana is now planned for 31 October 2021.

Published: 16 July 2020
After completion of an independent review, a new launch date for the James Webb Space Telescope has been announced: 30 March 2021.
Published: 28 June 2018
The James Webb Space Telescope is undergoing final integration and testing that will require more time to ensure a successful mission. Following a new assessment of the remaining tasks on the highly complex space observatory, the launch window is now targeted for about May 2020.
Published: 27 March 2018
Gas giant Jupiter, organic molecules in star-forming clouds and baby galaxies in the distant Universe are among the first targets for which data will be immediately available from the James Webb Space Telescope once it begins casting its powerful gaze on the Universe in 2019.
Published: 13 November 2017
The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) has announced the Call for Proposals for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Director's Discretionary Early Release Science (DD ERS) program. The proposal submission deadline is 18 August 2017, 20:00 EDT.
Published: 22 May 2017
The next great space observatory took a step closer this week when ESA signed the contract with Arianespace that will see the James Webb Space Telescope launched on an Ariane 5 rocket from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou in October 2018.
Published: 17 December 2015
ESA has completed the Near-Infrared Spectrograph, one of two instruments it is contributing to the international James Webb Space Telescope, a space observatory set for launch on an Ariane 5 rocket in 2018.
Published: 6 September 2013
The first instrument to be completed for the James Webb Space Telescope, MIRI, was handed over by the European consortium that built it to ESA at a ceremony held in London today, and will now be delivered to NASA aiming for launch in 2018.
Published: 9 May 2012
A pioneering instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope has completed testing in the UK. MIRI is a key European contribution to the mission, which will be a space telescope with a mirror seven times bigger in area than that of the Hubble Space Telescope.
Published: 18 August 2011
The Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI), a major instrument due to fly aboard the James Webb Space Telescope, is getting its first taste of space in the test facilities at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the United Kingdom.
Published: 30 September 2010
The James Webb Space Telescope has passed its most significant mission milestone to date, the Mission Critical Design Review. This signifies that the integrated observatory will meet all science and engineering requirements for its mission.
Published: 3 May 2010
The JWST sunshield has passed its critical design review, which has validated the sunshield design is complete and meets all the mission requirements. This clears the way for the start of manufacturing of the flight model sunshield.
Published: 3 March 2010
The Engineering Test Unit model of NIRSpec has been completed by the prime contractor, EADS Astrium, and is ready to be shipped to NASA for testing.
Published: 14 October 2009
The tennis court-sized sunshield built by Northrop Grumman for the James Webb Space Telescope has completed its preliminary design review (PDR) at the company's Space Technology facility.
Published: 20 March 2008
Many technologies have become so advanced that they've been miniaturized to take up less space and weigh less. That's what happened to detector controls and data conversion electronics on the James Webb Space Telescope being built by Northrop Grumman.
Published: 20 February 2008
The verification model of the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) is ready to undergo its cryogenic performance tests at the Rutherford Appelton Laboratory UK. MIRI is the first of JWST's four instruments to reach this significant milestone in the testing phase
Published: 6 December 2007
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