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Performance of the JWST/MIRI Si:As detectors

Performance of the JWST/MIRI Si:As detectors

Publication date: 25 July 2008

Authors: Ressler, M.E. et al.

Journal: Proceedings of SPIE
Volume: 7021

Copyright: SPIE

In "High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy III", edited by David A. Dorn, Andrew D. Holland, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7021, 70210O, (2008), doi: 10.1117/12.789606

The Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) is a 5 to 28 micron imager and spectrometer that is slated to fly aboard the JWST in 2013. Each of the flight arrays is a 1024x1024 pixel Si:As impurity band conductor detector array, developed by RaytheonVision Systems. JPL, in conjunction with the MIRI science team, has selected the three flight arrays along with their spares. We briefly summarize the development of these devices, then describe the measured performance of the flight arrays along with supplemental data from sister flight-like parts.

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