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The Epoch of Reionization: Theory - Simulations - Observations

The Epoch of Reionization: Theory - Simulations - Observations

Start date: 24 Apr 2012
Address: Collège Doctoral Européen (CDE), Boulevard de la Victoire, Strasbourg, France

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In the next 10 years we will learn much about the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Indeed several radio-interferometers have already started collecting data, looking for the redshifted 21cm signal emitted by the neutral IGM during this era in the history of the Universe (LOFAR, GMRT, MWA, 21CMA&). While these first generation instruments aim at a statistical detection, by the end of the decade, the SKA should start imaging the IGM in 3D. At the same time, new telescopes such as the E-ELT or the JWST will probe deeper into the EoR to detect galaxies at z> 10.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 06:39 UT

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