Team photo of people involved in NIRSpec installation on ISIM, March 2014

Date: 24 March 2014
Satellite: JWST
Copyright: NASA/Chris Gunn
Most of the NASA, ESA and Airbus team members involved in the installation process of the Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) are in this group photograph. Those in blue hats are from either ESA or Airbus, those in white hats are from NASA. The black curly cords visible on some of the team members are wrist straps. These are used to avoid any electrical discharge when working with the flight hardware. Everyone working within one metre of the flight hardware is required to wear one.
NIRSpec is one of four instruments on JWST. It is a multi-object spectrograph capable of observing at least 100 astronomical objects simultaneously. It will support JWST's four main science themes by providing low, medium and high-resolution spectroscopic observations.
NIRSpec is developed by ESA with Airbus Defence and Space, Germany, as the prime contractor. NIRSpec's Micro Shutter Assembly (MSA) and Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) are provided by NASA.