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Q&A MarcoPolo-R

Q&A MarcoPolo-R

These pages list answers to questions received in response to the Announcement of Opportunity (AO), released on 24 September 2012, for the provision of scientific payload including SGS elements for the four M3 candidate missions: EChO, LOFT, MarcoPolo-R and STE-QUEST.

Below are the questions that apply specifically to MarcoPolo-R. The questions of general relevance that apply to all four M3 candidate missions and the additional questions specific to the other three candidate missions can be accessed through the following links, or from the right hand menu.

Q&A general


14 Nov 2012 -  Availability of CREMA document
Q: Is the following document, referenced in the mission guidelines, available in some way?
M. Khan, P. de Pascale, J. Schoenmaekers, J.M. Sánchez Pérez: Marco Polo Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis, SRE-PA/2009.006/Marco-Polo, Issue 1, Revision 3, ESA/ESOC 20 Aug 2009.
A: This document (CREMA) describes the mission analysis for the previous Marco Polo scenario which is no longer relevant. The new CREMA for the MarcoPolo-R mission will be issued in the future. All information relevant for the purpose of the AO concerning mission analysis is included in the available AO documents.
18 Oct 2012 -  Proposals for optional instruments
Q: How will proposals on optional instruments be treated? No EID-A is available for them.
A: The EID-A is naturally linked to the nominal model payload. In the case of proposals covering additional instruments we recommend to describe clearly your requirements concerning the interfaces based on your baseline design and to prepare a corresponding EID-B document.
18 Oct 2012 -  Cost estimate required accuracy
Q: What accuracy is required for the cost estimate?
A: A detailed plan for the phase A activities is required. The cost estimates should reflect the accuracy of this work plan. The accuracy of the cost estimates for the following phases should be as accurate as possible on the basis of the available information.
18 Oct 2012 -  Clarification on section 5.4.1 of AO document
Q: What is the precise meaning of the "Payload Requirements Specification" in the MarcoPolo-R AO document ESA_AOM3-Payload.pdf, chapter 5.4.1. Part II.1: Payload Design?
A: This chapter refers to the proposed payload element. It should describe its requirements towards the spacecraft and mission design derived from the actual payload design.


Last Update: 1 September 2019
17-Feb-2025 01:20 UT

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