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PR 11-1999: Signature of Mars Express contract and Media Briefing

PR 11-1999: Signature of Mars Express contract and Media Briefing

29 March 1999

On Tuesday 30 March, the Director General of ESA, Antonio Rodota, and the President and CEO of Matra-Marconi Space, Armand Carlier, will sign a contract that entrusts MMS with the task of building the Mars Express spacecraft for launch in June 2003.

The signature ceremony, which will take place at ESA's Head Office , 8-10 rue Mario Nikis in Paris starting at 10h15, will be followed by a media briefing with Roger Bonnet, ESA Director of Science Programmes and other Mars Express specialists.

Media representatives wishing to attend the event are kindly requested to fill out the attached accreditation from and fax it back to ESA Public Relations- Paris - Fax: + 33 (0)1 5369 7690.

Mars Express Signature and Media Briefing

Tuesday 30 March 1999
ESA Head Office, 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, 75015 Paris

Location: Foyer 4th Floor
10h15 Press arrives
10h30 Signature of Mars Express development contract and addresses by Antonio Rodota, ESA Director General and Armand Carlier, President and CEO, Matra Marconi Space

Location: Room A, 4th floor
Media briefing
10h45 Introduction: Roger Bonnet, ESA Director of Science Programmes
10h50 ESA's new approach for smarter science missions: John Credland, ESA Head of Science Projects Department
11h00 The challenges of smarter mission for industry: Michel Bouffard, MMS Director of Science and Optical Observations
11h10 Mars Express in the current international plans for missions to Mars: Marcello Coradini, ESA Science Programme Coordinator for Solar System Missions
11h20 Question & Answers
11h45 End of Media Briefing

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 20:08 UT

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