2nd Announcement of Opportunity for the Mars Express mission
23 June 2001
The European Space Agency solicits the participation of the scientific community in the Mars Express Orbiter and Lander Programme to further increase the scientific return of the selected investigations and of the mission as a whole, through this Announcement of Opportunity (AO). In particular, this Announcement of Opportunity addresses the participation of:
* Interdisciplinary Scientists (IDS)
* Recognised Cooperating Laboratories (RCL)
Interdisciplinary Scientists
It is envisaged that there will be a maximum of one IDS for each of the following categories:
- Space environment and coordination between the Mars Express and Nozomi missions;
- Atmosphere and surface-atmosphere interactions;
- Geological evolution;
- Water and subsurface;
- Geodesy and catrography;
- Geochemistry;
- Exobiology
Recognised Cooperating Laboratories
There is no limit to the number of RCLs which will be selected although it is expected that they will fulfill the needs of the scientific community in a given geographical area. The RCLs should be different from the home institutes of both the principal investigators or the interdisciplinary scientists. Each RCL proposer should apply for one of the seven categories listed above. (More details are available in the document:Mars Express: 2nd Announcement of Opportunity)
Letters of Intent and Proposals
Potential interdisciplinary scientists (IDS) and recognised cooperating laboratories (RCL) should send a Letter of Intent to ESA to be received on or before 15 July 2001. The final date for acceptance of proposals is 15 September 2001. Further details on the Letters and proposals are available in the document:Mars Express: 2nd Announcement of Opportunity