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Studies on the Re-use of the Mars-Express Platform

Studies on the Re-use of the Mars-Express Platform

Publication date: 01 February 2002

Authors: Gimenez, A. et al.

Journal: ESA Bulletin
Volume: 109
Page: pp.78-86
Year: 2002

Copyright: ESA

The studies that were carried out in 2001 around the possibility of re-using the Mars Express platform have proven the effectiveness of a fast approach between ESA and the scientific community. It was only in March 2001 that ESA issued a 'Call for Ideas' to react to the identified possibility of a low-cost mission based on the re-use of the platform developed for Mars Express, which will be launched in 2003. A strict schedule was imposed, in order to benefit from these special circumstances, aiming at a launch date for the new mission in 2005, which is the next 'window' for missions to Mars. In response to the Call for Ideas, the scientific community presented a wealth of interesting and challenging proposals.The studies that were carried out in 2001 around the possibility of re-using the Mars Express platform have proven the effectiveness of a fast approach between ESA and the scientific community. It was only in March 2001 that ESA issued a 'Call for Ideas' to react to the identified possibility of a low-cost mission based on the re-use of the platform developed for Mars Express, which will be launched in 2003. A strict schedule was imposed, in order to benefit from these special circumstances, aiming at a launch date for the new mission in 2005, which is the next 'window' for missions to Mars. In response to the Call for Ideas, the scientific community presented a wealth of interesting and challenging proposals.

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