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Summer Evolution of the North Polar Cap of Mars as Observed by OMEGA/Mars Express

Summer Evolution of the North Polar Cap of Mars as Observed by OMEGA/Mars Express

Publication date: 11 March 2005

Authors: Langevin, Y., et al.

Journal: Science
Volume: 307
Issue: 5715
Page: 1581
Year: 2005

Copyright: Science Magazine

The Observatoire pour la Mineralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces, et l'Activite (OMEGA) visible-infrared imaging spectrometer extensively observed regions of Mars with latitudes above 70° N in late 2004 (heliocentric longitude from Ls 93° to Ls 127°). The extent of water ice at the surface and the size of ice grains were monitored as a function of time. Bright, small-grained frost, which initially covered a large fraction of the polar cap, waned in favor of large-grained ice. In outlying regions, dominated by largegrained ice, the albedo increased over the period. Evaluating the dust content was model dependent. However, contamination of ice by dust was low.

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