
The New Gravitational wave Observatory (NGO) is a space mission designed to measure gravitational radiation over a broad band at low frequencies, from about 100 µHz to 1 Hz, a band where the Universe is richly populated by strong sources of gravitational waves. It was the result of the reformulation, in 2011, of the LISA mission. In May 2012, NGO was not selected by the SPC to continue into the definition phase.



JUICE is Europe's next large science mission
2 May 2012Jupiter's icy moons are the focus of Europe's next large science mission, ESA announced today, 2 May 2012.
New approach for L-class mission candidates
19 April 2011ESA has decided on a new way forward for L-class mission candidates in the Cosmic Vision programme. This new approach takes account of recent developments with ESA's international partners.

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The ESA L3 Gravitational Wave Mission - Gravitational Observatory Advisory Team Final Report
4 May 2016This is the final report from the Gravitational Observatory Advisory Team (GOAT). Following the selection of the science theme "The Gravitational Universe" for the L3 mission, the GOAT was established to advise on the scientific and technological approaches for a gravitational wave observatory with a planned launch date in 2034.
4-Mar-2025 10:22 UT

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