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The Leonids show has started!

The Leonids show has started!

16 November 1998

"Early this morning it was like a natural firework show", said Gerhard Schwehm, Rosetta project scientist, "The best show is likely to be after midnight, based on the reports we have received this morning, right on into the early hours".

Reports have been coming in have been coming from all over the world of the Leonids show last night and early this morning, 17 November (see Sky and Telescope reports).

"The Leonids were spectacular this morning", said Doug Caswell of ESA Applications Directorate. "At 06:20 (local time) I saw five per minute, some with long-lasting trails in the morning sunrise over ESTEC".

With the peak of the Leonids shower not expected until this evening, provided skies are clear, the display should be even better. Start watching eastwards, from 23:00 local time.

"The show will be great just with your eyes", said staff scientist Bernard Foing, "but if you want to fix it forever for your children and grandchildren you can record it with a normal video camera, pointing towards the east, just use the widest lens you have." Even with light cloud, the brighter flashes may still be seen.

We hope to bring you news throughout the evening on this page.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 04:39 UT

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