Meteor Day 1999 hosted by Space Science Department at ESTEC
15 February 1999
On Saturday 13 February 1999, the Space Science Department (SSD) of ESA hosted the "Meteorendag 1999", the annual meeting of the 'Werkgroep Meteoren'. About 40 people participated in this highly successful meeting, which concentrated on reports from the Leonid observations last year. Members of the Werkgroep, the Dutch Meteor Society, and the German ArbeitskreisMeteore presented results from their expeditions to South Korea, China, and Mongolia.Presentations were also made about radio observations. ESA/SSD presented an analysis of video meteor observations performed from The Netherlands, from which they deduce that there is a possibility that another meteor stream was active during the night of the Leonids on 17/18 November 1998. This, of course, still needs to cross-checked with other observations.
Plans to prepare or the Leonids this November, were then presented and discussed. Whereas in 1998 the Leonids were centred over Asia, this year they will be best seen from Europe.
Last Update: 1 September 2019