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Using electron and magnetic field data obtained from the Cluster satellites, we identify the spatial distribution of highly accelerated electron distributions up to 10 keV. They are generally isotropic and form flat-top distributions in the phase space. These distributions are observed in the vicinity of the X line associated with the quadrupole-like magnetic field and energetic ions, throughout the plasma sheet. In some cases, these distributions are quasi-stable, continuously observed for a few minutes with a stable Bz polarity and low current density in the center of the plasma sheet.
With Cluster observations in the magnetotail, we study the dynamics of plasma sheet thinning and stretching in a typical growth phase event of September 12, 2001. The thinning and stretching proceed in parallel, with transient variations. The pre-onset value is Bz~1.5 nT, J~8 nA/m2. The current density increase is not accompanied with a corresponding number density increase. A large (>5 nT) guide field along the cross-tail current direction was registered. An embedded current sheet structure was detected and, therefore, caution is required if making thickness estimations.
Foreword | |
Overview | |
Mars Express: Summary of Scientific Results A. Chicarro, O.G. Witasse & A.P. Rossi | 1 |
Scientific Instruments | |
HRSC: High Resolution Stereo Camera G. Neukum, R. Jaumann and the Co-Investigator Team | 15 |
OMEGA: Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité J.-P. Bibring, Y. Langevin, F. Altieri et al. | 75 |
MARSIS: Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding J.J. Plaut, G. Picardi, T.W. Watters et al. | 97 |
PFS: Planetary Fourier Spectrometer V. Formisano, F. Angrilli, G. Arnold et al. | 115 |
SPICAM: Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmospheric of Mars J.-L. Bertaux, O. Korablev, D. Fonteyn et al. | 139 |
ASPERA-3: Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Neutral Atoms R. Lundin, S. Barabash and the ASPERA-3 team | 199 |
MaRS: Mars Express Radio Science Experiment M. Pätzold, S. Tellmann, T. Andert et al. | 217 |
Operations and Archiving | |
Mars Express Science Planning and Operations R. Pischel & T. Zegers | 249 |
Spacecraft and Payload Data Handling J. Zender, F. Delhaise, C. Arviset et al. | 257 |
Acronyms and Abbreviations | 279 |