Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 28 September to 4 October 2008Nominal operations were conducted during the reporting period. The batteries are performing nominally during the regular eclipses in the current eclipse season.
Published: 8 October 2008
Report for Period 21 September to 27 September 2008Nominal operations were conducted during the reporting period. The batteries continue to perform nominally during the eclipse season that started on 19 September. As part of the routine operations, the voltage and current evolution is closely monitored during the eclipses. The eclipse season...
Published: 1 October 2008
Report for Period 14 September to 20 September 2008Nominal Venus Express mission operations were conducted during the reporting period. The eclipse season started with the spacecraft passing daily through Venus's shadow from 19 September onward. During these brief daily eclipses the solar arrays are not illuminated by the Sun's light.
Published: 26 September 2008
Report for Period 6 September to 19 September 2008The reporting period covers the two weeks of post-asteroid fly-by activities mainly dedicated to the downlink of science data. All science data acquired during the asteroid fly-by phase have been successfully retrieved on ground and operations are now continuing with the OSIRIS observations of...
Published: 23 September 2008
Report for Period 7 September to 13 September 2008Nominal Venus Express mission operations were conducted during the reporting period.
Published: 17 September 2008
Report for Period 31 August to 6 September 2008Nominal operations were conducted during the reporting period. An orbit control manoeuvre (OCM) was successfully completed on 31 August (DoY 244). The manoeuvre constituted a phase correction, intended to keep the phasing of Venus Express in its orbit in sync with mission operations from ground. The...
Published: 10 September 2008
Report for Period 30 August to 5 September 2008The reporting period was characterised by the final navigation of Rosetta towards asteroid Steins, culminating in the successful flyby on the evening of 5 September 2008 at 18:38 UTC (the exact time of closest approach to be confirmed after detailed analysis of telemetry data). The navigation was...
Published: 10 September 2008
Report for Period 24 August to 30 August 2008Nominal operations were conducted during the reporting period. The atmospheric drag experiment measurement passes associated with the pericentre altitude lowering campaign have now concluded.
Published: 2 September 2008
Report for Period 16 August to 29 August 2008Operations during the two weeks covered in this report focused on the refinement of the orbit determination process in the frame of the asteroid fly-by operations. Rosetta is now permanently pointing to asteroid Steins with occasional re-pointings required for instruments calibrations in preparation...
Published: 2 September 2008
Report for Period 17 August to 23 August 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period. Five successive passes around pericentre were devoted to spacecraft tracking as part of the atmospheric drag experiment (ADE).
Published: 28 August 2008
Report for Period 3 August to 15 August 2008With the end of the payload check-out 8 Rosetta entered the asteroid Steins fly-by navigation campaign. During the two-week reporting period, operations have been characterised by asteroid observation sessions with the navigation cameras (NAVCAMs) and OSIRIS.
Published: 21 August 2008
Report for Period 10 August to 16 August 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period.
Published: 20 August 2008
Report for Period 3 August to 9 August 2008 All operations have been nominal during the reporting period. The fourth and final pair of Orbit Control Manoeuvres (OCMs) to lower the pericenter altitude and to raise the apocentre altitude was executed. For the first time, there have been clear indications of a very low level of atmospheric drag...
Published: 13 August 2008
Report for Period 19 July to 2 August 2008The two weeks covered by this report have seen the completion of the active payload check-out 8 activities. Operations have been nominal and the mission timeline continues now with the optical navigation campaign required for the early September fly-by of asteroid Steins.
Published: 8 August 2008
Report for Period 27 July to 2 August 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period. The third pair of Orbit Control Manoeuvres (OCMs) to lower the pericenter altitude and to raise the apocentre altitude was executed. Planning of the fourth pair was performed and commands were uploaded to the spacecraft for execution during...
Published: 7 August 2008
Report for Period 20 July to 26 July 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period. During this period the second pair of Orbit Control Manoeuvres (OCM) to reduce the pericentre altitude and to raise the apocentre altitude was executed. Planning of the third pair was performed and commands were uploaded to the spacecraft for...
Published: 29 July 2008
Report for Period 13 July to 19 July 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period. During this period the first pair of Orbit Control Manoeuvres (OCM) to reduce the pericentre altitude and to raise the apocentre altitude was executed. Planning of the second pair was performed and commands were uploaded to the spacecraft for...
Published: 22 July 2008
Report for Period 5 July to 18 July 2008During the reporting period the first two weeks of the active payload check-out 8 were executed, as well as the attitude and orbit control system (AOCS) check-out 8.
Published: 22 July 2008
Report for Period 7 June to 4 July 2008On 1 July 2008, DoY 183, Rosetta was taken out of Near Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM) and reconfigured to Active Cruise Mode in preparation of the asteroid Steins fly-by phase.
Published: 21 July 2008
Report for Period 6 July to 12 July 2008All operations have been nominal during the reporting period.Between 13 July and 5 August 2008 a series of manoeuvres is performed to lower the pericentre altitude of Venus Express (see also the link on the right hand side for more details). The first pair of manoeuvres (one manoeuvre to raise the...
Published: 15 July 2008
13-Feb-2025 15:41 UT

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