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No. 99 - Switch to Active Cruise Mode

No. 99 - Switch to Active Cruise Mode

Report for Period 7 June to 4 July 2008On 1 July 2008, DoY 183, Rosetta was taken out of Near Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM) and reconfigured to Active Cruise Mode in preparation of the asteroid Steins fly-by phase.

Operations during the reporting period have been nominal and preparation of the spacecraft for the active payload check-out 8 (PC8) has started. This activity will keep the mission control team fully engaged with commissioning type activities for four consecutive weeks.

A total of eight New Norcia (NNO) ground station passes were taken during this reporting period with nominal performance.

DOY Date Pass Main Activity
163 11/06/08 NNO 1566 NSHM monitoring
170 18/06/08 NNO 1573 NSHM monitoring
177 25/06/08 NNO 1580 NSHM monitoring
182 30/06/08

NNO 1585

NSHM exit pre-conditions check
183 01/07/08 NNO 1586 NSHM exit
184 02/07/08 NNO 1587 NSHM exit completion


03/07/08 NNO 1588 Monitoring and PC8 preparation


04/07/08 NNO 1589 Monitoring and PC8 preparation

At the end of the reporting period (DoY 186) Rosetta was at 220 million km from Earth (1.47 AU) and the one-way signal travel time was 734 seconds. The distance to the Sun was 287 million km (1.92 AU).


The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF. A test of the new power OFF on-board control procedure (OBCP) was successfully run on DoY 186.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is OFF.

The instrument is muted.

The instrument is OFF.

The instruments are OFF.

Since DoY 184/2008 the accumulation settings are configured for active cruise mode.

Future Milestones

The cruise phase continues towards asteroid Steins that will be encountered early September 2008. The payload check-out 8 will last four weeks. This will be followed by the optical navigation campaign required for the asteroid fly-by. This campaign will include imaging by the navigation camera (NAVCAM) and by the OSIRIS instrument.

Legal disclaimer
This report is based on the ESOC mission operations report, WOR #99. Please see the copyright section of the legal disclaimer (bottom of this page) for terms of use.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
23-Feb-2025 03:43 UT

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