Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for period 24 March to 30 March 2006The Venus approach phase is proceeding according to plan with all activities conducted successfully.
Published: 3 April 2006
Report for period 17 March to 23 March 2006The Venus approach phase is proceeding according to schedule with all planned activities conducted successfully.
Published: 27 March 2006
Report for period 20 February to 19 March 2006SMART-1 operations have been nominal during this period. It has been found that after an eclipse occurred on 28 October, there was a drop in the solar array +Y current of about 1.1 Amps (~52 Watts). The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), SMART-1's industrial prime contractor, has suggested that the...
Published: 21 March 2006
Report for period 10 March to 16 March 2006 The reporting period has marked the start of the final Venus approach phase. All activites will now focus on the navigation and preparation for the Venus Orbit Insertion operations.
Published: 21 March 2006
Report for period 03 March to 09 March 2006With the reporting period all calibration, science and maintenance activities of the instruments have been completed and focus is now on the Venus approach phase. These included the last MAG and ASPERA science acquisitions and a USO drift test.
Published: 13 March 2006
Report for Period 17 February - 10 March 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of cruise, in which the level of activities on thespacecraft was increased to carry out a special RPC troubleshooting test, the third passivepayload checkout and the periodic AOCS checkout.
Published: 13 March 2006
Report for Period 24 February to 02 March 2006On 24 February a Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre was executed in order to trimthe spacecraft trajectory after the Main Engine calibration manoeuvre. The manoeuvreexecuted flawlessly but the current knowledge of the orbit indicates that it is very likely thatanother fine tuning will be required once...
Published: 6 March 2006
Report for period 16 January to 19 February 2006Smart-1 suffered another Double EDAC error on 19 of January. SSC requested ESOC to compile all addresses that have been subject of double EDAC errors and sent them to SSC to check for a possible correlation with a specific chip malfunction.This time ESOC tried a new procedure that prevents loosing...
Published: 28 February 2006
Report for Period 17 February to 23 February 2006After the successful calibration test of the Main Engine flight activities have focused onpayloads check-out activities. The ground segment and industrial teams are busy with theprocessing of the data acquired during the Main Engine test and are preparing the trimmanoeuvre that shall put the...
Published: 24 February 2006
Report for Period 27 January - 17 February 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of passive cruise, during which important maintenance activities and a test with the RPC instrument were carried out.
Published: 20 February 2006
Report for Period 10 February to 16 February 2006The reporting period has been dedicated to the Main Engine calibration activity, which wassuccessfully conducted in the night between the 16 and 17 February. According to thefirst telemetry data the burn (3 seconds duration) was nominal and detailed calibration data willnow be analysed by the...
Published: 17 February 2006
SMART-1 is in its extended mission with the spacecraft and all its subsystems in good health. The level of science operations activities has been increased as the spacecraft was configured to allow AMIE to be operated in push broom mode.
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusThe two spacecraft and the instruments are operating nominally. The drift of the spin axis is continuing as predicted, TC-1 spin axis is about 3.5 from the ecliptic pole and TC-2 around 16°. It should not cause problems before July 2006 for TC-2 and December 2006 for TC1. TC-1 has entered the eclipse season that will last 7 months...
Published: 15 February 2006
As specified in the Rosetta Mission Plan the spacecraft has been in passive cruise mode for the past couple of months, meaning the payload is inactive with the exception of the Standard Radiation Monitor.
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusFinal commissioning operations for the MARSIS instrument - primarily the commissioning and calibration of the monopole antenna - have been planned and started in February 2006. Following these activities, the MARSIS radar will be fully operational. At the end of November, a successful orbit correction manoeuvre was performed in...
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusINTEGRAL operations continue smoothly with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment performing nominally. Preparations for the release of the next observing Announcement of Opportunity (AO-4) on 13 March 2006 are proceeding as planned. The AO will cover one year of observing starting on 17 August 2006.
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusThe four spacecraft and instruments are operating nominally. The phasing manoeuvres were executed in November 2005. The spacecraft multi-scale configuration (C1, C2 and C3 spacecraft separated by 10 000 km and C3 and C4 separated by 1000 km) was changed to a perfect tetrahedron of 10 000 km to observe the polar cusp in...
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusXMM-Newton operations continue smoothly with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment performing nominally. The launch of MSG-2 impacted XMM-Newton operations with a loss of 6 full science orbits because the XMM-Newton ground stations were required in support of MSG-2 LEOP. However, the total annual time lost due to launch...
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusHuygens is now well into the detailed scientific data analysis and interpretation phase. The engineering analysis of the probe performance has been divided in two phases. The phase-1 engineering data analysis is terminated and all documentation has been made available by the Huygens industrial team and accepted by the Huygens...
Published: 15 February 2006
Mission StatusThe spacecraft status is nominal, with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) Z-axis in a fixed position. 2005 was the first year since 1996 without an Emergency Sun Reacquisition (ESR). On 15 December a nominal manoeuvre (station keeping, momentum management and roll) was performed and 0.0723 kg of fuel was used. The remaining hydrazine is...
Published: 15 February 2006
12-Sep-2024 06:53 UT

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