ESA Science & Technology - Status Report Archive
Status report archive
Status report archive
Mission StatusA major milestone for Ulysses was reached on 6 October, namely the 15th anniversary of the launch from Cape Canaveral on board the space shuttle Discovery. After 15 years of operations, and a journey of 7 billion kilometres, the spacecraft and its scientific payload remain in good health, and no anomalies have occurred during the...
Published: 28 November 2005
Mission Status The highlight of the reporting period was the observation campaign to support the Deep Impact event on 4 July. Four scientific instruments (OSIRIS, MIRO, VIRTIS and Alice) participated in the campaign together with the Navigation Cameras. The campaign started on 28 June and ended 14 July.
Published: 28 November 2005
Mission StatusThe two spacecraft and the instruments are operating nominally. The drift of the spin axis is continuing as predicted and should not cause problems before July 2006 for TC-2 and December 2006 for TC1. The batteries have been degrading and the payload has to be switched off when the eclipses last longer than 50 min.
Published: 28 November 2005
Mission StatusThe four spacecraft and instruments are operating nominally. The largest constellation manoeuvres ever performed with Cluster were successfully executed in June-July 2005. The spacecraft reached the largest separation distance of 10 000 km through a series of the most complex manoeuvres ever done with 49 individual manoeuvres...
Published: 28 November 2005
Report for period 18 November to 24 November 2005During the reporting period all the activities for the Near Earth Commissioning of theinstruments have been conducted according to plan. The MAG, VMC and VIRTIS instruments have all been activated for the first time.
Published: 28 November 2005
Report for period 11 November 2005 to 17 November 2005During the reporting period all the activities foreseen for the Near Earth Commissioning of theplatform have been conducted according to plan. The remaining testing activities on theplatform side will take place in January (thermal characterization) and in February (mainengine calibration).
Published: 23 November 2005
Report for Period 28 October to 18 November 2005The reporting period covers three weeks of passive cruise, for monitoring and minor maintenance activities.
Published: 23 November 2005
Mission StatusINTEGRAL operations continue smoothly with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment performing nominally. The agreement with NASA for the use of the Goldstone DSN station has been extended for 1 year until 16 December 2006. In order to promote community involvement in the mission, ESA has established an INTEGRAL User's Group...
Published: 22 November 2005
Mission StatusThe third quarter of 2005 was marked by the start of commissioning of the now fully deployed MARSIS instrument, and by the integration of MARSIS into the routine mission planning and operations cycle.
Published: 22 November 2005
Mission StatusThe nominal science mission of SMART -1 was completed end of July. On 2 August the orbit re-boost activities started to bring the spacecraft to the agreed orbit for the Extended Mission, which will provide good to excellent observing conditions for the payload complement.
Published: 18 November 2005
Mission StatusThe spacecraft status is nominal, with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) Z-axis in a fixed position. On 8 September a nominal manoeuvre (station keeping, momentum management and roll) was performed.
Published: 18 November 2005
Two major upgrades of the ISO Data Archive have been released. Version 8 (released on 10 May) is aimed at simplifying maintenance after the end of the ISO Active Archive Phase by incorporating functionalities that have been developed for other archives at ESAC. Version 9 (27 July) provides recommended datasets per observation to the user -...
Published: 18 November 2005
Mission statusThe Hubble spacecraft continues to operate nominally. To extend its expected scientific lifetime, and after the on-orbit two-gyro mode test using all science instruments was carried successfully, HST was transitioned to two-gyro mode on August 28. All indications are that the performance in two-gyro mode is excellent. This early...
Published: 18 November 2005
Report for period 10 November 15:30 to 11 November 12:30 UTC.The Venus Express Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) activities again continued to run very smoothly. All foreseen activities were completed and it was also possible to bring forward some platform commissioning activities, which were planned for the coming weekend.
Published: 11 November 2005
Report for period 9 November 15:30 to 10 November 15:30 UTC.Both the Venus Express spacecraft and ground segment continue to perform excellently. The highlight of this period was the successful planning and testing of the Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre (TCM-0).
Published: 10 November 2005
Report for period 9 November 2005, 03:33 - 15:30 UTCThe Venus Express spacecraft has been succesfully launched, solar panels deployed and is now in Nominal Mode. So far all systems are performing as expected and the first commands have been uplinked from mission control. By 18:00 UTC on 9 November the spacecraft will already be 140 000 km from...
Published: 9 November 2005
Report for period 19 September to 16 October 2005Scientific operations were resumed as planned on 1 October aiming at the conduction of push-broom operations from 20 October to 19 December when the Sun will be within 30° of the orbit plane.
Published: 3 November 2005
Report for period 7-28 October 2005The reporting period covers three weeks of passive cruise, with mainly monitoring and minor maintenance activities on the Rosetta spacecraft.
Published: 31 October 2005
Report for Period 16 September to 7 October 2005The reporting period covers three weeks of passive cruise for Rosetta, in which the periodic passive payload checkout and the AOCS checkout were executed.
Published: 10 October 2005
Report for period 15 August to 18 September 2005SMART-1 has completed one of the last milestones of the mission: the Electric Propulsion operations have been terminated. During the past few weeks ESA and industry have worked together pushing the technology of SMART-1's engine to the limit. As a result the flight control team successfully...
Published: 30 September 2005
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