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Important Notice: Revised Science Management Plan for Solar Orbiter

Important Notice: Revised Science Management Plan for Solar Orbiter

20 December 2007

As already stated in the Announcement of Opportunity for the Solar Orbiter payload,the draft Science Management Plan for Solar Orbiter had not formally been approvedby the Science Programme Committee at the time of the AO release.

The SPC has requested a number of changes that have been incorporated in the revised document, which has now been approved by the SPC.

This revised version now replaces Annex 4 as an applicable document of the AO.

Changes of potential relevance for the proposals are in chapters:

2.6 (and later in 3, plus wherever LoC was quoted)
the demand for a formal "Letter of Commitment" (LoC) by the involved funding agencies has been changed into a formal Letter of Endorsement (LoE), accompanied by a timeline, showing milestones leading to full commitment from the relevant national funding agency.

2.7.1 (and later in 4.4. and 5.5)
concerning the relation PI / Lead Funding Agency in some member states,

5.3. (last paragr.)
concerning additional options for SOC support by member-states,

concerning a clearer specification of PI data-rights,

concerning public outreach and communication activities,

In addition there are a number of smaller adjustments in the text, as resulting from such revisions above.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Mar-2025 20:50 UT

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