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Announcement of Opportunity for the Solar Orbiter Payload

Announcement of Opportunity for the Solar Orbiter Payload

18 October 2007

Note - Deadline for submission has passed This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) solicits proposals of scientific investigations for the Solar Orbiter mission. Solar Orbiter is the next solar-heliospheric mission in the Science Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). It has recently been redefined as part of a joint ESA-NASA programme called Heliophysical Explorers that comprises ESA's Solar Orbiter and NASA's Solar Sentinels as a highly synergetic programme. The Solar Orbiter mission is devoted to solar and heliospheric physics. It will be carried out as an ESA-led mission open to the worldwide science community.

The proposals shall clearly identify a Principal Investigator (PI) and a Lead Funding Agency for the proposed instrument. After receipt of the responses to this AO a Payload Review Committee (PRC) will perform a full review of all AO responses and recommend the final consolidated payload with a view to optimising the overall scientific return within the available resources.

The closing date for receipt of proposals is
midnight, Tuesday 15 January 2008

To accommodate the NASA FOSO process, the deadline for receipt of U.S.-led proposals by ESA is extended to 24:00 Central European Time on Wednesday 06 February 2008

For full details and contact information please refer to the complete AO document and the Annex files which can be retrieved below (both individually and as two zip files) and on the right under "documentation".

Also available are the two announcement letters from both the ESA Director of Science, Prof. D. Southwood, and the ESA Head of Science Planning and Community Coordination Office, Dr. S. Volonte.

File Description



The Solar Orbiter Payload AO document 193 kb  PDF
Annex 1: Solar Orbiter Science Requirements Document (Sci-RD) 340 kb  PDF
Annex 2: Joint Science and Technology Definition (JSTDT) Report for the ESA/NASA Heliospheric Explorers programme 7.8 Mb  PDF
Annex 3: Payload Definition Document (PDD) 4.1 Mb  PDF
Annex 4: Science Management Plan (SMP) 185 kb  PDF
Annex 5: Experiment Interface Document - Part A (EID-A) 1.3 Mb  PDF
Annex 6: Solar Orbiter Environmental Specification 670 kb  PDF
Annex 7: Mission Analysis 995 kb  PDF
Annex 8: EID-B template 295 kb  DOC
Annex 9: Cost template 17 kb  XLS
Annex 10: VIM Filter Performance Tables 247 kb  PDF

Zip file of the above eleven documents:

13 Mb


Annex 11:

Final Presentations of both Heat Shield & System Study contractors
EADS presentation 30 Mb  PDF
Thales presentation 66 Mb  PDF
Zip file of the two presentations in Annex 11

90 Mb


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