Optical Monitor instrument back at ESTEC
20 April 1999
The Optical Monitor instrument arrived back at ESTEC today, Tuesday 20April, after two weeks ofhectic work at MSSL (UK) and CSL (B) to repair and restest it following an electronic anomaly observed during thermal vacuum tests.The Optical Monitor instrument is installed in the middle of the spacecraft, on the optical bench carrying the X-ray mirrors. The integration sequence of the spacecraft telescope therefore had to be reorganised, and everyone has been waiting anxiously for the return of the Optical Monitor.
A big thank you to the entire MSSL and CSL teams for fixing the problem in such a short time, allowing the spacecraft to maintain its overall schedule.
This is the last telescope to be incorporated in the XMM spacecraft following the three X-ray telescopes, which were already integrated in March.
Last Update: 1 September 2019