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Preparing for Launcher Integration

Preparing for Launcher Integration

25 November 1999

The satellite campaign preparing XMM for launch, has entered its last straight run. The Combined Operations (POC) have begun with the fastening of the spacecraft onto the payload adapter.

Umbilical and purge lines have been connected and electrical checkouts are continuing. Green and red tag items, that have to be attended to before launch are being verified and the last remaining pieces of thermal insulation on the spacecraft have been refastened. XMM is practically ready for its highest hoisting on Earth, to the summit of the launcher, due to take place on 25 November.

Irish and Finnish children

More winners of ESA's "What's new Galileo" competition have arrived in Kourou. The Irish class from Malahide Community School, Dublin and the Finnish group from Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, Helsinki were able to meet children from a school in Saint Laurent du Maroni, a town along the coast, near the frontier with Surinam.

Finnish and Guianese children exchange addresses

Part of the Irish group with Wil Davies from CAPTEC. In the distance on the left are the lightning towers at the Ariane 5 launch zone

The Irish children were also welcomed by staff from CAPTEC, one of the Irish sub-contractors on the XMM project. Dublin-based CAPTEC has been responsible for the design, development and testing of the software for spacecraft's Attitude and Orbit Control system.

XMM football victory

The ESA/Dornier winning team wearing the firemens' T-shirts

Social events for the ESA and Dornier campaign teams have included a surprising 5-4 football win over the Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris, the firemen who ensure safety at the spaceport. The visitors' victory was described as historical since the firemens' team train daily and the Dornier and ESA team are more used to emptying glasses of beer and punch in their moments off.

The Dornier/ESA team comprised off Dornier staff and ESA's Daniel de Chambure. The match also saw a great performance by the visitors' goalkeeper Konrad Reichle from Dornier. It was a very friendly meeting, finishing with champagne offered by the Sapeurs Pompiers.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
28-Mar-2025 19:24 UT

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