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Low-energy absorption towards the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 1850-087 located in the globular cluster NGC6712

Low-energy absorption towards the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 1850-087 located in the globular cluster NGC6712

Publication date: 21 November 2005

Authors: Sidoli, L., et al.

Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Volume: 443
Issue: 1
Page: 223
Year: 2005

Copyright: ESO

We report the results of two XMM-Newton observations of the ultra-compact low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1850-087 located in the galactic globular cluster NGC6712. A broad emission feature at 0.7 keV was detected in an earlier ASCA observation and explained as the result of an unusual Ne/O abundance ratio in the absorbing material local to the source. We find no evidence for this feature and derive Ne/O ratios in the range 0.14-0.21, consistent with that of the interstellar medium. During the second observation, when the source was ~10% more luminous, there is some evidence for a slightly higher Ne/O ratio and additional absorption. Changes in the Ne/O abundance ratio have been detected from another ultra-compact binary, 4U 1543-624. We propose that these changes result from an X-ay induced wind which is evaporated from an O and Ne rich degenerate donor. As the source X-ray intensity increases so does the amount of evaporation and hence the column densities and abundance ratio of Ne and O.

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