Soft X-ray Spectra of V5116 Sgr

Date: 13 March 2008
Satellite: XMM-Newton
Depicts: EPIC spectra of V5116 Sgr with fitted models
Copyright: G. Sala et al.
XMM-Newton EPIC MOS1 (black) and EPIC MOS2 (red) spectra of V5116 Sgr, plotted together with the best fitted white dwarf (WD) atmosphere models.
(A) | Low-flux spectra fit with a carbon/oxygen WD atmosphere model |
(B) | Low-flux spectra fit with an oxygen/neon WD atmosphere model |
(C) | High-flux spectra fit with an oxygen/neon WD atmosphere model |
Below each spectrum the deviation of the model from the spectrum is plotted. The results show that the carbon/oxygen atmosphere model does not fit the observations (A).
The oxygen/neon model fits both the low- and high-flux state of V5116 Sgr and the atmosphere temperature of the fitted model was found to be 6.1±0.1 × 105 K, both for the low- and high-flux state (B & C).
Last Update: 1 September 2019