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Astronomische Nachrichten - 2007 science workshop proceedings

Astronomische Nachrichten - 2007 science workshop proceedings

Publication date: 10 December 2009

Journal: Astronomische Nachrichten
Volume: 329
Issue: 2
Page: 111-113
Year: 2008

Copyright: 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Thanks to the recent generation of high energy observatories, astrophysics is witnessing a golden age of discovery in the X-ray domain. Current technical evaluation demonstrates that the XMM-Newton spacecraft and its scientific instruments can continue to provide first class X-ray observations far into the next decade. Other missions to be launched soon, like Herschel, Planck, GLAST, as well as new ground-based developments, will open up new challenging opportunities for multi-wavelength and follow-up observations to which XMM-Newton is ideally placed to make a major contribution. This publication is the proceedings of a workshop held to summarise our current knowledge of X-ray astrophysics, discuss some of the major achievements of the past years and identify the fundamental questions still to be addressed. The main focus of the workshop was to identify the scientific topics with the highest scientific importance and impact and the observing programs of maximum long-term value to the entire astronomical community.

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