Cluster observations around a magnetic null pair

Date: 08 August 2008
Satellite: Cluster
Depicts: Cluster C2 observations around a magnetic null pair
Copyright: He, J.-S. et al. [2008]
Observations obtained with Cluster C2, including a peak of electron number density (panel a), bi-directional energetic electron beams (panel e) and enhancement of high-frequency electrostatic wave (panel f), over the period from 09:48:22.5 to 09:48:28.5 UT.
From top to bottom the plots show:
a | The plasma electron number density inferred from potential measurements by the EFW instrument. |
b | The total magnetic field strength measured by the FGM instrument. |
c | The magnetic field component of Bx measured by the FGM instrument in GSM. |
d | The electric field component of Ey measured by the EFW instrument in GSE. |
e | The electric field wave power spectrum observed by the STAFF instrument. The black line denotes the electron plasma frequency. |
f | Two pitch angle distributions (PAD) of electron differential energy flux density measured by the PEACE instrument at 09:48:24.3 UT and 09:48:26.3 UT, respectively, both measured in a 1/8 second interval. The orange dotted vertical line through the top five plots (a-e) is located at the time of 09:48:25.6 UT. |
Last Update: 1 September 2019