Cosmic Vision M-class missions presentation event 2009

Date: 30 November 2009
Location: Institut Océanographique, Paris, France
Copyright: ESA - P. Sebirot
A special event was held in Paris on 1 December 2009, to present the six M-class mission concepts that are currently being studied as candidates for a launch in 2017 and 2018, within the frame of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Plan for the ESA Science Programme.
Attending the presentation event and on the first row in this photo (from left to right): Prof. D. Southwood, Director of ESA's Science and Robotic Exploration Programme; Prof. Dr. T. Spohn, SSAC Chairman, DLR, Berlin, Germany; and M. F. Safa, SRE-PA, ESA/ESTEC.
Last Update: 1 September 2019