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Cosmic Vision M-class missions presentation event 2009

Cosmic Vision M-class missions presentation event 2009

Presentations and audio recording

Meeting homepage:

  Click image for photos of the meeting  
A special event was held in Paris on 1 December 2009, to present the six M-class mission concepts that are candidates for a launch in 2017 and 2018, within the frame of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Plan for the ESA Science Programme.

The six M-class mission presentations given at the meeting are available for download as PDF files from the overview below.

An audio recording of the meeting was made and is also available for download. The recording is split into two parts, covering the morning session and the afternoon session as indicated below. Both files are in MP3 format.

The audio recordings cover, apart from the six mission presentations, the welcome address at the start of the meeting and the presentations on international partnerships and mission costing at the end of the meeting. 
Note: the audio levels at the start of the morning session are low


Morning Session
Welcome address & introduction Audio recording:

124 Mb
Euclid PDF 8.4 Mb
Plato PDF 15.2 Mb
Afternoon Session
Marco Polo PDF 5.4 Mb Audio recording:

164 Mb
Cross-Scale PDF 12.7 Mb
Solar Orbiter PDF 26.1 Mb
International partnerships
Mission costing


Meeting Photos

The M-class missions presentation event was attended by some 400 people from ESA, the scientific community, industry, national funding agencies, and international partners.

These few photos give an impression of the meeting, which took place in the grand amphithéâtre at the Institut Océanographique de Paris.

Top left: Prof. David Southwood, Director of ESA's Science and Robotic Exploration Programme

Top right: Prof. D. Southwood; Prof. Dr. T. Spohn, SSAC Chairman; M. F. Safa, Head of ESA's Advanced Studies and Technology Preparation Division

Yellow Books of M-class study missions

The outcome of the assessment study phase for each of the six M-class missions is published as an Assessment Study Report (Yellow Book). Each report provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific objectives and resulting requirements of each mission, along with details of the proposed payload, mission design and operations.

Following the conclusion of the M-class missions presentation meeting on 1 December 2009 in Paris, the assessment study reports are available for download in PDF format:

Cross-Scale PDF 13.2 Mb
Euclid PDF 14.4 Mb
Marco Polo PDF 6.4 Mb
Plato PDF 26.1 Mb
Solar Orbiter PDF 23.8 Mb



(last updated on 1 December 2009)

The preliminary schedule of the presentation meeting on 1 December 2009 is:

09:00 Welcome address
09:10 Introduction
09:30 Euclid

Coffee break

10:45 SPICA
11:45 Plato

Lunch break

14:00 Marco Polo
15:00 Cross-Scale

Coffee break

16:15 Solar Orbiter
17:15 International partnerships
17:35 Mission costing
17:45 Open Q&A session
18:30 Cocktail

The cocktail at the end of the meeting will last till around 19:30.



The M-class missions presentation meeting will be held in Paris at:

Institut Océanographique de Paris
195 rue Saint-Jacques
75005 Paris, France

Tél. + 33 1 44 32 10 80
Fax + 33 1 44 32 10 91

The institute is located close to the "jardin du Luxembourg" and the Panthéon, at the corner of the two streets Rue Saint-Jacques and Rue Gay-Lussac.

Local transport

  • By RER (Réseau Express Regional)
    Ligne B:   stop at Luxembourg
  • By Bus
    21 or 27:  bus stop Gay-Lussac/Saint-Jacques
    38, 82 or 85:  bus stop Luxembourg
    84 or 89:  bus stop Panthéon-Soufflot

A four-page information brochure [PDF] with institute details can be downloaded by clicking on the image:


Meeting announcement

Tuesday, 1st December 2009

Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Plan
M-class missions presentation

Institut Océanographique
195 rue Saint-Jacques
F-75005 Paris

The six M-class Missions

Six medium ("M") mission concepts, original proposed in response to the Call for Missions issued in 2007 for the first slice of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Plan for the ESA Science Programme, are currently being studied as candidates for a launch in 2017 and 2018 (the so-called "M1" and "M2" launch slots). Details of the six mission concepts (Cross Scale, Euclid, Marco Polo, Plato, Solar Orbiter, SPICA) are available at

The ongoing Assessment Phase activities will be completed in the course of 2009, and in January 2010 the Advisory Structure to the Science Programme of ESA will be asked to recommend which of the currently studied M mission concepts should be carried forward into Definition Phase, in support of a decision by the Science Programme Committee in February 2010.

As a first step in this process, the six M mission concepts will be presented to the Scientific Community as well as to the Advisory Structure to the Science Programme on December 1, 2009, at the Institut Océanographique de Paris (195 rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris). The meeting is foreseen to start at 09h00 and will end at 19h30.

All interested parties (scientific community, industry, national funding agencies, and international partners) are invited to attend this event. Due to the limited capacity of the venue, registration is however mandatory, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. You are invited to register for this event as soon as possible, and by 25 September 2009 at the latest.

Registering is mandatory to attend the meeting and is organized through a dedicated on-line registration form:

Registration closed

NOTE: The deadline for registration has passed and the registration form is now closed.

Information for NON-attendees
If you will NOT attend the presentation meeting, but would like to receive information after the meeting, please use the dedicated information request form to be added to our distribution list:

NOTE: Information distribution list
is now closed

Note: If you have successfully registered and will attend the meeting you do not need to subscribe to this distribution list.


Valerie Lecuraud
ESA headquarters, Paris

Last Update: 1 September 2019
25-Mar-2025 12:01 UT

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